May 1st 2021
3653 Regent BLVD. Suite 104 Jacksonville, FL 32224
Supporting K9s For Warriors
We are proud to support K9s For Warriors during our event. For more entries in our raffle, we will have a donation area set up for this amazing organization. K9s For Warriors is a non profit who’s focus is on helping our disabled American heroes. The organization provides service dogs and training to veterans with PTSD, TBI, MST in order to help mitigate symptoms and regain independence. The service dogs provided are 90% rescue. This means almost every dog in the program has been saved from potential euthanasia and abandonment.
Even if you can’t make it to our event, please consider donating. The work they do is incredible and has helped countless warriors and dogs alike. Click the button below to donate to our event page and learn more about the work K9s For Warriors has done!

Thank You to Our Vendors and Partners Who Have Helped Make this Event Possible!